Monday, December 2, 2013


My brother and some of his super cool nerdy friends started a community they refer to as #NerdLution.  The goal is to make a resolution you can commit to for 50 days, and you blog about it (or not if blogging isn't your thing).  After 50 days round one is complete.  At that point you have hopefully turned your #NerdLution into a habit. If after round one you do not feel your #NerdLution is a habit, you can keep the same #NerdLution for round two or adjust your #NerdLution. If it has become a habit then you keep doing it while making a new #NerdLution for the next fifty days.

It took my some time to decide what I truly wanted my #NerdLution to be for round one.  I want my #NerdLution to be literary based, and knew I needed to set a realistic goal since I am currently in the final week of my college career.  I love reading, but sometimes it has been difficult for me to make time to read with student teaching and a side job that keeps me busy from 7:00am-7:00pm.  Then when I get home I take time to run almost everyday.  When all is said and done it is about 8:15 when I can finally take a breath from my go-go-go days, and I still have to be prepared for my next morning of school. This week will be very hectic and consists of building three portfolios by Friday, along with some other stuff. My #Nerdlution for the next 50 days is to read out of a paper based text for a minimum of thirty minutes everyday, to not eat after 8:00pm, and to keep up with my "1 Second Everyday" videos (it's a really cool app for 99 cents that you should definitely check out).

I am excited to join this nerdy community, and have already began thinking of how I can improve my #NerdLution for round 2!

Join the movement! BE NERDY!

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