Monday, January 20, 2014

Thank you, Clip System

The Start

Even though my first day of school was postponed three straight days due to inclement weather, I have officially been a full time teacher for two weeks!  It’s just so exciting to be able to say that!!  In my first two weeks I feel like I have already learned almost as much as I learned in my entire time in the teacher education program.  Albion College did an awesome job in preparing me to be a full time teacher, but nothing is as valuable as actual work experience in your very own classroom. 

The first few days the students and I focused on building a classroom community, creating a classroom set of rules and guidelines (both in general and for specific classroom activities), and setting expectations of my students and the students expectations of me.  After that we tried getting into the curriculum, but we had a few setbacks as the students were struggling to stay on task and behave.  The second week started off okay, and then quickly went south as the behavior of my students on Wednesday was completely unacceptable.  Before Wednesday I had tried many different classroom management strategies for maintaining good behavior that only kind of worked.  From the marble jar for extra recess, taking away minutes of recess, to calling out students who are setting the example for model behavior nothing seemed to work well enough.  Going into Thursday I knew I had to do something different to get my students to stay on task and behave well. 

Clip System

All along I had planned on installing a clip up/down system, where my students clip up for great behavior and clip down for unacceptable behavior.  Every student starts in the middle each day, and can clip up a total of three spots or clip down three spots.  Wherever they are during the day they always have the opportunity to clip up or down.  I even had some students who clipped all the way to the top and continued to exceed my behavior and work ethic expectations that I had to tape their clip above the top spot.   Clipping to the bottom and ending the day their leads to a parent phone call home.  In the two days I have used the clip system only a few students have ended their day below the middle, and I have only had to make two phone calls home.  Students who made it to the very top were rewarded with a “Good Behavior” certificate from the school, and I threw in a sweet treat to motivate others to show model classroom behavior and work ethic throughout the week, every week. 

The clip system is not perfect by any means.  Often times some of the more well behaved students are not clipped up because they are usually behaving and on task to begin with.  I have tried making sure I notice positive behavior and clip students up more often than I clip students down for poor choices.  

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